Sunday, July 30, 2006


Hello there all Philkans all over the USA wherever you are !!! This is ANDY SUSIM from SUMAILA !!! Sanu, sanu ! Ina kwana ? Ina gadiya ? Yaya aiki !!! Wow, Na manta mi Hausa !!! Ay, mali yata 'yon !!! This is my second attempt to have some means of communication among us Philkans here in the USA and anywhere else. My first one is the Newsletter to which only Princess responded . Okay let's forget that now. I hope many will have time to contribute something to OUR PHILKANS BLOG. I am not very savvy on these things so please help me !!! Manang Nati Palanca has the partial list of all Philkans here in California and in the East Coast. Anyone (Philkans or not) who happens by chance to see this blog and wants to share, participate, or contact us, you are all welcome; here is my email address: