Thursday, August 03, 2006


Well, well, what do we have here ? By virtue of special request from Her Heartfulness & Cheerfulness Majesty Manang Nati Palanca, I succeeded yesterday in granting what she desires: "PHILKANS" Alisin daw 'yung letter "i". Eh, di alisin. I know this is not much to write about as news but the point is, it took me a while to learn to edit my first posting. Which means even if one is hesitant to do this blogging, if you will just play with it, you will learn it eventually. Anyway, I have to write something to report. I emailed Princess about it. Told her it is up to her if she wants to edit her posting, that is, as far as the word Philikans is changed to Philkans. Most have not received yet what Manang Nati will send in the mail. So it will take some time before we see some blogs from other members. Manang Nati was very happy when I told her about this blog, even requested for a print-out of the first postings.

Our next gathering will be on August 19th at Boy's place to celebrate some August birthday celebrants. I have no specific person/s in mind. What I have in mind is a little advance information. It will be a bigger gathering on the 27th of August at TODAI in Orange to celebrate some August birthday celebrants again plus the graduation of Dr. Socrates Santos Susim, that's my son. He graduated last June 10th . We can't set an early celebration then because immediately after graduating, he started his Residency at Arrowhead Medical Center.

I have nothing more to report. Sai an jima, nagode Allah.


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